Smart suggestions are generated automatically to improve your campaign performance. Once your campaign has run for some time, the smart suggestions will start to appear.
You can either choose to “Accept” or “Skip” a smart suggestion. Accepting a smart suggestion results in a better campaign health score. Skipping a smart suggestion does not result in a better score. When you accept or skip a smart suggestion, the smart suggestion will appear in your “Past Smart Suggestions”. On this popup page, you can see all your past smart suggestions. Previously skipped smart suggestions can still be accepted here.
Each smart suggestion contains a “More info” button. Depending on what kind of smart suggestion, it will display more information about what the smart suggestion is about to tweak in your campaign. For example, if some websites are not performing, a smart suggestion appears. It will show you how many and which websites are not performing. Accepting this suggestion will blacklist the websites which are not performing thus increasing your campaign performance.
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