You have signed up for our service and are ready to get started. You are interested in understanding how the platform can support your needs and can’t wait to get started to use the platform to reach your advertising goals.
When you login into the platform for the first time, you will be shown the welcome tour. The welcome tour introduces you to the key features of the platform and demonstrates the demo campaign.
Once you have done that you can now start creating your first campaign or you can check out what type of subscriptions we offer. Don’t worry if you want to try setting up your campaign first we will ask you to choose a Subscription just before you launch your first campaign.
Creating a campaign is simple. You select a goal for your campaign, add details like budgets and dates, and choose where you want to run the campaign. You can upload creatives and you are ready to go!
The platform will start your campaign automatically and once it is live, you can see performance results and manage your campaign in the campaign performance section. To find your campaign, simply click on it in the main screen. A list of all created, paused and live campaigns will be shown.
Managing the performance of your campaign is simple. Take a look at Quick Glance and all you need to do is ensure that your Campaign Health is as high as possible. The campaign will automatically optimize the performance to meet your campaign goal.
To increase the health of your campaign the platform will offer you Smart Suggestions to improve the performance. As soon as you accept a Smart Suggestion, the platform will implement it and your campaign health will improve.
Managing your campaigns has become as simple as accepting a few smart suggestions every day. Your campaign health and Your Most Important Metric will tell you exactly how your campaign is doing. It will not cost you more than a few minutes per day!
If you require help or have questions about the platform, its use, your account, or billing then you can visit this support section or send us a support question.
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