Enable cookies for the website
Clear all cookies and the cache
In Chrome browser
Click the “three-dot menu”
Scroll down and click settings.
In the settings page click “Privacy and Security” > “Clear Browsing Data”.
Under the Advanced tab, select the following from the checkboxes
Browsing history,
Cookies and other site data and
Cached images and files.
Make sure other items you want to keep are not selected.
Then click “Clear data”
In Firefox browser
Click the menu button
to open the menu panel.
Click History and select Clear Recent History…
In the Time Range to clear: drop-down, select Everything.
Below the drop-down menu, select both Cookies and Cache. Make sure other items you want to keep are not selected.
Click OK.
In Safari browser
Click “History” from the toolbar
Scroll down and click “Clear History”
In the Clear: drop-down, select all history.
Click “Clear History”
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