When creating image and video ads to use on the adgoji platform, it’s important to adhere to certain strict requirements and consider best practices for optimal performance. For more information please take a look at the IAB guidelines.
These factors must be met before you can upload your creatives on adgoji’s platform:
- Square and rectangle: 250 × 250, 300 × 250, 320 × 320, 336 × 280
- Skyscraper: 120 × 600, 160 × 600, 300 × 600, 300 × 1050
- Leaderboard: 468 × 60, 728 × 90, 800 × 250, 970 × 90, 970 × 250
- Mobile: 300 × 50, 300 × 100, 320 × 50, 320 × 100, 320 × 480, 360 × 592, 360 × 640, 375 × 667
- File size: Up to 10 MB
- File types: JPG, GIF and PNG
- Supported file formats: .avi, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, .mpeg, .mpg, .webm, .wmv
- Landscape/horizontal: 1280 × 720, 1920 × 1080, or 1440 × 1080
- Portrait/vertical: 720 × 1280, 1080 × 1920, or 1080 × 1440
- Square: 720 × 720, 1080 × 1080, 1920 × 1920
- File size: Up to 100 MB
For the best performance for your creatives, you can use the following recommendations:
Aspect ratio:
- Landscape/horizontal: 16:9 or 4:3
- Portrait/vertical: 9:16 or 3:4
- Codec: H.264
- Frame Rate: 23.98 or 29.97
- Bitrate: At least 20 Mbps
- Length: 15 or 30 seconds
- Avoid black bars and letterboxing to ensure a clean presentation.
By following these requirements and guidelines, you will ensure your ads meet technical standards and perform optimally across different platforms.
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