When clicking on the adgoji logo top right you will see 'Your Campaigns' this is a list of advertisers, their campaigns and drafts. You can select your campaign here.
There are 3 filters on this page:
- For Advertisers (default value is Active Advertisers)
- For Campaigns (default value is Active Campaigns)
- For Campaign Drafts (toggled on by default)
You can adjust the filters to your liking.
If the campaign is active, you see a green circle. If the campaign is paused, you see a golden circle. If the campaign is stopped, you see a red circle. If the campaign is scheduled, you see a clock circle.
You can pause or restart a campaign by pressing the ∨ button next to the circle. You cannot restart a permanently stopped campaign (red circle).
You can click on the three dots on the right side of the campaign to duplicate and if you want to see its performance just click on the campaign.
You can click on the three dots on the right side of your draft to either delete or edit or click on the draft and it will open up for editing.
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